Monday, March 17, 2014

Haslet Texas - time for some fun and relaxation
After a long stressful move into a our new facility and an even longer winter it was time to take some time off and have some fun as a group.  What better atmosphere the minor league Hockey?   Saturday night was family appreciation night at the Lone Star Brahmas and considering we are a family here in Texas we thought this was a great time for some fellowship and relaxation.  Some of our team members have never been to a hockey game in the past but they still had fun, even though some did not know it was going to be 'cold' inside the hockey rink.  It is 'ice hockey' and not 'field hockey" after all.  Never the less we all had a great time and getting together to celebrate our new building and recent safety results was good for everyone with friends and family.
Not all of our team was able to attend but from right to left bottom :  Deb Baker, Kelli and Ronnie Vandargift, Jon and Linda Mowery.  top row from right to left:  Darrell and Michelle Wilbanks, Marco Galaviz, Ivan Khoe, Chris Stewart, Rich Doarn.  Not pictured are Thomas Pendleton and special guest Paula Elam and Rich's wife, Jana and son Davis -- great times had by all.

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