Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Houston Texas Team Recognized by Home Depot

We never seem to get a chance to say thanks enough to our team members, especially when they do a great job.  Well the team in Houston has been doing a super job of late, especially with the challenges of moving ETAs on their inbound trains and customers expecting miracles when the train does come in.  Rodney, Edward and Christopher were recognized for the great job they have done by Home Depot. 

Heather Shell , Director of Sales for JB Hunt sent me the following e-mail on our Houston team:
"I just got off the weekly Home Depot service call and wanted to send over our thanks for all of your work in Houston. They said that we are the carrier that has done the best job on keeping them informed (both of issues with refusals and what is coming in each day) and catching them back up. Thank you so much for your hard work! I know it has been a huge challenge and Home Depot has recognized the great work you have done. Please thank your team as well." So our corporate offices through Stephanie Curran sent the team some pizzas.  A small token of our appreciation but an appreciation none the less.   We all need to recognize our team members from time to time for the work they do. I personally want to thank these three for their work.  Rich Doarn 
Edward Garza (FM), Rodney Woodruff (RM) Christopher Gregg (FM)

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